New Member Class March 16th

Are you interested in joining or learning more about Lutheran Church of the Cross? You are invited to join Pastor Lisa on Sunday, March 16, at 11:15am after worship in the Sunday School room next to the youth room, near the offices and the back door to the parking...

First Communion Class

At LCC, all baptized children are welcome to receive communion, with parents’ permission and a plan for instruction. To that end, we will offer a first communion class on Saturday, April 12 from noon—1:30pm. Children will bake communion bread together, and then spend...

Heat the Church 

The calendars are out on the round table in the narthex. Thank you for being willing to donate extra funds to the church during our cold winter’s months. Remember your own birthday or celebrate the life of a loved by donating. November $10/day, December—February...

Book Club

Book Club Meets the 2nd Wednesday at 1:30pm in the library. March: The Mighty Red by Louise Erdrich April: The Language of Cottonwoods by Clay Jenkinson Consider coming to the Book Club. We have interesting and lively discussions of each book. A variety of subjects...

More Opportunities to Help

There are now clipboards with the summer Sunday dates listed for you to sign up to bring treats and serve coffee (always fun to do with a friend or as a family), and to run the dishwasher. We all enjoy the fellowship after worship so much. If a date works for you,...