Calendar and Announcements
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All-Faiths Christmas Concert December 13th
There is a wonderful opportunity coming to get in the Christmas spirit! A combination off LCC singers from the River Team and Living Water will be performing in the 9th Annual Interfaith Community Christmas Concert. This a FREE Interfaith Community Christmas Concert...
Did you know the Crossword is available online?
Yes, our favorite monthly update is available online. Check it out at
Altar Focus for December
Altar Focus: Carrie’s Kids Carrie’s Kids will be the Altar Focus for the month of December. A Christmas tree is set up in the narthex with paper “jeans” ornaments listing the sizes of K-6th grade boys. Jeans are the primary focus—track pants are also very popular—and...
Advent Meals and Worship
Wednesdays in Advent—only three this year, Dec. 4th, 11th & 18th— will feature homemade soups plus bread and desserts. Our confirmation students will assist in serving, and freewill offerings will go to help them attend Bible camp in the summer! Come join in for...
Heat the Church
The calendars are out on the round table in the narthex. Thank you for being willing to donate extra funds to the church during our cold winter's months. Remember your own birthday or celebrate the life of a loved by donating. November $10/day, December—February...
Cookie Walk December 15th after Sunday Morning Service
Cookie Walk is back! One of our favorite Sundays of the year, and such a great combination with the Church School Christmas Program! If you are a baker, sign up on the poster in the narthex to bring a couple dozen (or more!) of your Christmas specialties. On Dec. 15...
Book Club
Book Club Meets the 2nd Wednesday at 1:30pm in the library. December: The Wish Book Christmas by Lynn Austin January: What She Left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman February: Montana1948 by Larry Watson Consider coming to the Book Club. We have interesting and lively...
More Opportunities to Help
There are now clipboards with the summer Sunday dates listed for you to sign up to bring treats and serve coffee (always fun to do with a friend or as a family), and to run the dishwasher. We all enjoy the fellowship after worship so much. If a date works for you,...
Bible Study options!
Here are some options if you’d like to join in! Wired Word is a study that takes something in current events that’s happening in the world and offers Scripture and challenging questions with which to approach the topic. Every week is different; no need to come every...
Online Offering Is Available
At worship you often hear me thank you for your generosity. We are grateful! Our many ministries here at LCC and those we support in the community and wider world could not do it without you! Here are some ways you can give at and through LCC. Choose which fit...