Worship Schedule
Lutheran Church of the Cross usually offers two different worship services – The “River” Blended Worship on Sundays; and the “Living Water” Contemporary Worship on Wednesdays, September through May (winter schedule).
Lutheran Church of the Cross has gone digital! Church of the Cross Services are offered through our digital services every Sunday. Can’t watch the live broadcast? Not to worry, all broadcasts are recorded and available for 90 days on our site. Visit our Streaming Online page or our Facebook site. Have an Apple TV? Download the Boxcast application and search for “Lutheran Church of the Cross” then start watching!
“The River” Contemporary Blended Worship
Sundays, 10:00 am // September – May
“The River” Contemporary Blended Worship Service is a blending of contemporary and traditional, using contemporary liturgy with upbeat, meaningful songs. The service is led by a great worship team and talented keyboard/piano accompanists.
For more information about this service, email: churchsecretary@midconetwork.com
"Living Water" Wednesday Worship
6:15 pm // Labor Day to Memorial Day Annually
We are excited to offer the “Living Water” Worship Service at 6:15 pm Wednesdays. This service is a meaningful, contemporary, communion worship. Church School and Confirmation during the school year begin at 7:00 pm.
For more information about this service, email: churchsecretary@midconetwork.com
During the summer months, we gather together at 10:00 am for one worship service each Sunday. Communion is offered year round. The Worship is a combination of both the Traditional and Contemporary/Blended styles of worship during the rest of the year. Join us each Sunday from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend for the River Service at 10:00 am
For more information about this service, email: churchsecretary@midconetwork.com