Chosen.” We will begin a new study this month using these videos, with one group led by Kathryn Spilman and one group by Tom Harris. They are contacting folks about what times work best. Many of you have signed up already (hence the two groups!), but it’s not too late! Let pastor or one of the leaders know if you would like to join us.

The second study will be led by Deb Sargent on the Gospel of John and is intended for women. The study, written by Melissa Spoelstra, will encourage you to slow down and linger with the living Word. “Life. It seems to move at a break-neck pace. Daus are filled with noise, screens and appointments. Sometimes worry and fear are constant companions. The chaos can leave you looking for a place to be still, but that resting spot always seems to be an elusive destination. Jesus offers a different kind of life. He offers peace. He is peace”

This study features 7 video sessions, 25-30 minutes each, with some personal study to be completed between the 7 group sessions. It is designed to be like a three-legged stool: video, homework and discussion. Of course you can tailor this to your needs. There is a signup sheet in the narthex. Please include your phone number or call Deb S. at 701.880.8237 if you are interested but have questions. The group will decide a time to meet that works for everyone: early morning, evening, or somewhere in between. Join us!