Wednesdays in Advent—only three this year, Dec. 4th, 11th & 18th— will feature homemade soups plus bread and desserts. Our confirmation students will assist in serving, and freewill offerings will go to help them attend Bible camp in the summer! Come join in for some lovely warming food, fellowship and worship. Supper begins at 5pm—come when you can, until close to 6pm.


  • Dec. 4th: Chili cookoff, bring your best chili – 6th graders assist
  • Dec. 11th: Knoepfla Soup cookoff—let’s try them all! – 7th graders assist
  • Dec. 20th: homemade Beef Barley Vegetable Soup – 8th graders assist

Our Advent worship begins at 6:15pm on these Wednesdays, and features the very love sung liturgy called Holden Evening Prayer, which will be led by our Living Water worship team. These brief services will not include the same sermon as Sunday, but scripture and a reflection on our Advent theme of Grace. Join us at 6:15pm each Wednesday! Happily, these services will also be livestreamed! So, you can watch from our website at that time or catch up later. Blessed Advent to all!