Cookie Walk December 15th 

Call all cookie bakers! We had a smashing success last year with our cookie walk, so here we go again! We have someone writing a Thrivent Action Team grant application to help with expensive ingredients (butter, flavoring etc.). Please sign up on the poster, and then...

Pancakes and Sausage for Camp of the Cross 

Mark your calendar! On Dec. 8th we will have pancake and Wishek sausage breakfast benefit for Camp of the Cross. Their staff will lead worship—come and hear updates from Deacon Janie and enjoy delicious food and fellowship together.

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service 

Several local churches—UCC, LCC, United Methodist and Episcopal—are joining together in hosting a Thanksgiving service, to which you are all invited. Because we have heard that many folks are busy welcoming guests, preparing food, etc. for the big day on the night...